 Zhang Yi,Weng Wen,Liu Jia,et al.Measurement of Thermalphysical Properties of Thermal Storage Materials With an Adiabatic Water Bath Calorimeter[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2009,09(04):031-35.





Measurement of Thermalphysical Properties of Thermal Storage Materials With an Adiabatic Water Bath Calorimeter
南京师范大学动力工程学院, 江苏南京210042
Zhang YiWeng WenLiu JiaWang Kuan
School of Power Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
水浴 量热计 热物理参数 精度 标定
w ater ba th calor ime ter therm a lphysical properties accuracy ca libra tion
An adiabatic wa ter bath ca lor im eter w as construc ted to m easure spec ific heat and fus ion heat of m a terials. M odels and expe rim ental me thod w ere prov ided to calibrate param e ters and accuracy o f the ca lo rim ete r. H eat capac ity, stirring pow er and heat release of the ca lo rim ete rw ere calibrated by exper im ents. Spec ific heats o f coppe r and w ate r at three temperatures, and fus ion heats o f ice and pa ra ffin w erem easured by the ca lo rim eter. Resu lts g iven by the ca lor ime ter go w ellw ith reference va lues. The calor ime ter prov ides a convenient m ethod and accurate expe rim en tal resu lts for m easurement o f therm alphysica l prope rties o f therm a l energy storagem ate rials.


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C orresponding auther: Zhang Y ,i Ph. D, associate professor, m ajored in th erm al energy eng ineering, E-m ail:zhangyi@n jnu. edu. cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-23