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 Zhao Caifeng,Rong Hua.Study of the Optical Interference Technique for the Measurement of the Poisson’s Ratio of MEMS Thin Films[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2010,10(01):089-92.





Study of the Optical Interference Technique for the Measurement of the Poisson’s Ratio of MEMS Thin Films
赵彩峰 戎 华
南京师范大学江苏省光电技术重点实验室, 江苏南京210097
Zhao CaifengRong Hua
Jiangsu Province Optoelectronics Technique Key Laboratory,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
MEMS 薄膜 泊松比 在线测量 直角悬臂梁
th inMEM S film Po issoncs ratio in situ m easurem en t right ang le cantilever beam
提出了一种基于光学干涉技术的MEMS薄膜泊松比在线测量方法.该方法采用直角悬臂梁作为测试结构,在上下两电极之间加上电压后,在静电力的作用下,与锚区相连的第一段直梁将发生弯曲变形和扭转变形.先由米劳干涉仪测得悬臂梁的变形,然后分离出形变中的弯曲分量和扭转分量,进而计算出薄膜材料的泊松比.用CoventorW are软件验证.结果显示该方法精度很高.
In th is study, a m ethod to m easure the Po issoncs ratio o f thin MEMS film accord ing to optical interference technical is proposed. The me thod m akes use o f a righ t ang le cantileve r beam as test structure, applies vo ltage betw een the top electrode and the bo ttom e lectrode, under the function o f the electrostatic force, the first pa rt of the can tilever beam wh ich is connected w ith the ancho rw ill becom e de form ed w ith bend ing and torsion. First, m easure the deform ation w ithM irau interfe rence instrum ent, then separate the bend ing and torsion, figure ou t the Po issoncs ratio o f th inM EMS film, and ve rify them ethod w ith the so ftw are o f Covento rW are. The resu lts show that the accuracy o f the m ethod is very h igh.


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基金项目: 江苏省自然科学基金( BK2006223)、东南大学MEM S教育部重点实验室开放项目基金. 通讯联系人: 戎华, 博士, 副教授, 研究方向: 微机电系统(MEM S)设计. E-mail: ronghua- 1965@ 263. net
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-02