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Comparison of Several Real-Time Ethernet
冯世宁1 2 马 杰1 2 赵雪飞1 2
1. 囯网电力科学研究院, 江苏南京210003; 2. 南京南瑞集团公司, 江苏南京210003
Feng Shining12Ma Jie12Zhao Xuefei12
1.State Grid Electric Power Research Institute,Nanjing 210003,China;2.Nanjing NARI Group Corporation,Nanjing 210003,China
IEC 61158 的国际标准 实时以太网 工业控制系统
IEC61158 interna tiona l standard real??tim e Ethernet industr ial con tro l system
Ethernet wh ich is m a inly used for office env ironm en t has eme rged and deve loped for m ore than 30 years. W hile in the fie ld o f industr ia l contro,l its applica tions start soon. Due to its spec ific ity, industria l control needs a real?? tim e and stable sy stem. On var ious occas ions, requ irem ents vary. The IEC61158 internationa l standard conta ins 20 m a?? jor types of fie ld bus, in w hich there are nine k inds o f real??tim e E therne t. This paper summ arizes and com pares the sys?? tem struc tures, comm un ication m ethods, real??time features, synchron izations, netw ork modu les and o ther aspects o f these rea l??tim e E therne t. Th is paper compares the bus type and the ring, and proposes so lutions in o rder to choose and develop app lications.


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通讯联系人: 冯世宁, 硕士研究生, 研究方向: 电力系统通信. Ema il:njfsn@ sina. com
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-02