 Shi Lei,Lin Zhuying.Research of Website Construction Based on Big 6 Model[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2010,10(03):064-68.





Research of Website Construction Based on Big 6 Model
贵州师范大学数学与计算机科学学院, 贵州贵阳550001
Shi LeiLin Zhuying
School of Mathematics and Computer Science,Guizhou Normal University,Guiyang 550001,China
B ig 6 头脑风暴法 PH P W eb挖掘
B ig 6 B ra instorm ing PH P W ebM in ing
网站内容建设是直接关乎网站构建成败的关键因素之一.从高校研究所网站建设的自身特殊性与需求出发,结合Big 6信息问题解决模式,提出了一种全新的Web网站构建模型,弥补了传统网站构架模型在内容建设上的不足,为高校自主建立研究所网站提供了一个有效的模式.
Con tent developm ent is the decisive factor o f success in the process o f un iversity research institute construction. A new model ofw ebs ite construction is proposed based on big 6 mode l of inform ation problem-so lv ing, and the lack o f content issue, wh ich is caused by the trad itiona l arch itecture m ode l in w ebsite construction, is reso lved acco rding ly. Consequently, this m ode l prov ides a research institu tew ith an effectm odel to construct w ebsite autonom ously.


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基金项目: 贵州师范大学研究生专项创新基金(研[ 2010] 10号) . 通讯联系人: 林筑英, 教授, 研究方向: 计算机辅助教育、网络多媒体技术与虚拟现实. E-mail:zhuying- lin@ 126. com
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-02