 Zhang Haiyun,Yu Yuejin.Application of the Heat Pipe Heat Exchanger in Air Conditioning System for Heat Recovery from the Exhaust Air[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2015,15(02):033.





Application of the Heat Pipe Heat Exchanger in Air Conditioning System for Heat Recovery from the Exhaust Air
南京师范大学能源与机械工程学院,江苏 南京 210042
Zhang HaiyunYu Yuejin
School of Energy and Mechanical Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
heat pipe heat exchangerair conditioning systemheat recovery from the exhaust airresearch advancement
总结了目前用于空调系统排风热回收的热管换热器类型. 通过一些仿真模拟及实际案例,分析了影响热管换热器热回收效率的重要因素,包括热管工质的选择、管芯结构、热管尺寸及放置角度、工质充液率等内因,以及新回风进风温度、风量比、迎面风速等外部因素.
Heat pipe heat exchangers have been widely used in air conditioning systems because of their unique advantages. This review summarizes the typesof heatpipe heat exchangers currently used in air conditioning system for heat recovery. The conventional heat pipe and two-phase closed thermosyphon are used moreat present,while the pulsating heat pipe and micro-grooved heat pipe exchangers have better prospects. Through a number of simulations and practical cases,the factors which greatly influence the heat recovery efficiency of heat pipe heat exchangers are analyzed in this research. The factors include the internal ones,such as the working fluid,the wick structure,aspect ratio,inclination angle and filling ratio,and the external ones such as the temperatures and the volume ratio of the fresh and exhaust air,the airflow rate and so on.


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通讯联系人:余跃进,教授,研究方向:空调系统优化与节能. E-mail:dlkj@njnu.edu.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2015-06-20