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A New Fine-grained Image Classification Algorithm Based on Channel-Space Fusion Attention and SwinT
姜 昊凌 萍陈寸生保
(江苏师范大学计算机科学与技术学院,江苏 徐州 221116)
Jiang HaoLing PingChen Cunshengbao
(School of Computer Science and Technology, Jiangsu Normal University, Xuzhou 221116, China)
细粒度图像分类Swin Transformer通道-空间融合注意力模块深度学习弱监督学习
fine-grained image classification Swin Transformer channel-spatial fusion attention module deep learning weak supervised learning
细粒度图像分类是计算机视觉领域的一大分类任务,其难点在于如何通过类别监督信息自主地找到判别性区域. 提出一种新的通道-空间融合注意力模块,基于该模块设计了一种新的Swin Transformer算法SwinT-NCSA(a Swin Transformer based on a novel channel-spatial attention module),分别从通道维和空间维同时提取特征,再将其融入到Swin Transformer模型中以提高其小尺度中多头注意力信息的提取能力. SwinT-NCSA算法特别关注了对分类有用的区域,同时忽视对分类无用的背景区域,以此在细粒度图像分类任务中达到较高的分类准确率. 在FGVC Aircraft 飞机数据集、CUB-200-2011鸟类数据集和Stanford Cars车类数据集3个公共数据集上的实验表明,SwinT-NCSA算法可以分别取得93.3%、88.4%和94.7%的准确率,优于同类算法.
Fine-grained image classification is a major classification task in the computer vision field. Its difficulty lies in how to automatically find the discriminant regions through category supervision information, for which this paper proposes a novel channel-spatial fusion attention module, and based on it, designs a new Swin Transformer algorithm(a Swin Transformer based on a novel channel-spatial attention module, SwinT-NCSA).The proposed algorithm simultaneously extracts features from the channel dimension and spatial dimension, and then integrates them into the Swin Transformer model to improve the extraction ability of multi-head attention information in its small scale. The SwinT-NCSA algorithm pays a particular focus on regions useful for classification, while ignoring background regions useless for classification, to achieve high classification accuracy in fine-grained image classification tasks. Experiments on the FGVC Aircraft aircraft dataset, Caltech-UCSD Birds-200-2011 dataset and the Stanford Cars vehicle class dataset public dataset show that the SwinT-NCSA algorithm can achieve 93.3%, 88.4% and 94.7% accuracy respectively, outperforming peer algorithms.


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通讯作者:凌萍,博士,副教授,研究方向:计算智能、数据挖掘、支持向量机. E-mail:6020000012@jsnu.edu.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2023-09-15