 Wang Haichun,Zhang Jinlong,Pan Shili.Application of Precision Alignment Technology in Precision Boarding of Plasma Display Panel[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2008,08(02):015-18.





Application of Precision Alignment Technology in Precision Boarding of Plasma Display Panel
南京师范大学电气与自动化工程学院, 江苏南京210042
Wang HaichunZhang JinlongPan Shili
School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
等离子体显示器 精密定位 数据采集 精密驱动
p lasm a display panel precision a lignm ent da ta co llection prec is ion dr ive
介绍了一种等离子显示器的自动精密检测定位装置.采用激光莫尔信号进行高精密位置检测.工控机根据检测到的莫尔信号发出控制脉冲给步进电机,驱动工作台,实现等离子体显示器基板之间的全自动精密定位.控制系统采用了多线程,采用Visual Basic制作软件平台界面,通过Borland C++编写信号采集、定位控制、设备驱动、数据管理等功能模块,完成系统的精密定位,定位精度可达±1μm.
An automa tic prec is ion measur ing and position ing device o f a p lasm a d isp lay panel is presen ted. H igh-precision po sition m easurem ent is imp lem ented based on laserM o iré signa.l A ccording to them easuredM o iré signa,l industr ial con tro l com puter sends mo to rs contro l pu lses to drivewo rkbench tom ake the a lignm ent dev ice obta in h igh positioning accuracy au tom atica lly. M ult-i thread techn ique is emp loyed in the contro l system. V isua lB asic is applied to m ake the so ftw are p la tform in terface and Borland C+ + is introduced to program the softw are contro lm ode ls o f data co llection, alignm ent contro ,l dev ice drive and data managem ent, respective ly. Follow ed by them ethod proposed in this paper, the precision a lignm ent o f the system wh ich can reach the prec ision of ± 1 μm is achieved.


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基金项目: 江苏省高校自然科学基金( 04KJB510073)资助项目.
通讯联系人: 张金龙, 副教授, 博士, 研究方向: 超精密测量与定位技术. E-m ail:zjl0310@ 163. com
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-24