Hybrid Ex citation Rar e Earth Permanent Magnet Synchronous Gener ator, ( HEPMSG) w hich can reg ulat e t he PM g enerato rs o utput voltage, is a new type generator . T he main part of this hybrid ex cited generator is the same as the permanent mag net generator , the auxiliar y part is analog ous to t he electr ical magnetic g enerat or. Both parts shar e one armature and t he function of t he aux iliary electrical mag netic par t is to reg ulat e the HEPMSG’s o utput v oltag e wit h small ex citatio n input . The new generator ’s construction, basic pr inciples, and the design method of the auxiliar y electr ical magnetic par t are discussed in this paper . The mathem atical model fo r this new g enerato r was established, and a sample generator was developed fo r ex perim ented analysis. A v er y promising conclusion w as draw n from the abo ve analysis and testing .
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