1.Thermoelectric Engineering and Research Institute, School of Design, Southeast University, Jiangsu Nanjing 210096, China; 2.School of information Science and Engineering,Nanjing University of Technology, Jiangsu Nanjing 210009, China; 3.Jiangsu Electric Power Design Institute, Jiangsu Nanjing 210024, China
The design of insu lation and pa in ting p lays a very im portant ro le in designing pow er plant. It is necessary to deve lop and apply the com puter so ftw ares into prac tica l design to avo id the repeated com putations. The autom a ted choosing and sorting in the inte llectua lized design can reduce the dem ands fo r repeated com puta tions and inpu t data. W ith the he lp of the softw are, the rules and m ate rial properties can be ach ieved autom atica lly based on the ex isted pub lic database. The pick-up of the insulation da ta, the dem onstrative tab le and them ater ia l co llection can be incorporated in the softw are. A new insu lation and pa inting inte lligent design so ftw are for pow er p lant is developed based on the new nationa l insulation standard and new softw are-des igning p la tform in this pape r. The so ftw are has been used successfu lly in practica l design and con tributed to the insulating and pa inting. s design ing in eng ineer ing as a resu lt o f realiz ing intellec tua lization and promo ting the design qua lity and effic iency.