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Design and Implementation of Flood-Prevention and Dispatch Command System of Web Based on B/S and C/S(PDF)


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Design and Implementation of Flood-Prevention and Dispatch Command System of Web Based on B/S and C/S
ZHANG Hantao~1XU Changsheng~2WANG Junlong~3
1.Department of Computer Science and Technology,Beijing Institute of Civil Engineering and Architecture,Beijing 100044,China;2.City Construction Management Office of Shengze County,Jiangsu Suzhou 215228,China;3.National Marine Environment Forecasting Center,Beijing 100081,China
W ebG IS brow ser / server c lien t/server flood-preven tion and d ispatch comm and system
Th is paper deve lops a flood-prevention and d ispa tch command sy stem based onW eb, expounds the dest-i nation, des igning schem e, rea lized function and techno logy route o f the such a sy stem based on them ixed fram e of B / S and C /S, and m eanwh ile, introduces the various func tions wh ich are rea lized by utilizing W ebGIS. It m a in ly expounds the key techno logy wh ich is adopted in the flood-prevention and dispatch comm and system based onW eb, w hich m akes theW ebG IS app ly and ex tend fu lly in w ater conservancy industry. The system fo recasts the deve lopm enta l trend of flood by mak ing use o fw ater conservancym ode,l so tha t it prov ides the foundation for the dec ision-m ak ing of assistant.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29