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Markov-chain Forecasting Model for Talents Flowage in Institutions of Higher Education(PDF)


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Markov-chain Forecasting Model for Talents Flowage in Institutions of Higher Education
ZAN Xin~1ZONG Peng~2WU Qizong~1
1.School of Administration and Economy,Beijing Institute of Technology,Beijing 100081,China;2.Department of Mathematics,Tangshan Teacher’s College,Tangshan 063000,China
talents flowage markov p rocess markov chain markov2chain forecastingmodel human resources
This paper introduces and analyzesMarkov p rocess andMarkov chain of stochastic p rocess theory firstly. Then, aiming at the p rocess of talents flowage in institutions of higher education, it p resents a forecasting model namedMarkov2chain forecasting modelwhich can describe the tendency of the talents flowage, and elaborates the al2 gorithm step in detail. With the dada of state - transfer of teachers of one college as an examp le, itmakes the tenden2 cy forecast analysis bymeans of the model. Finally, it also takes the state of teachers taking advanced courses into consideration, carries on thorough analysis of the teacher p rofession and development tendency forecast. Operation re2 sult indicates that theMarkov2chain forecasting model and the algorithm is succinct and convenient, which offers a new idea for forecasting the trend of talents flowage in organizations.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29