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Study on the Technological Parameters for the Reactive Ion Etching of Si(PDF)


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Study on the Technological Parameters for the Reactive Ion Etching of Si
GE YixianWANG MingRONG Hua
Jiangsu Province Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
reactive ion etching etch ing rate op tima l technologica l parameters
The technological pa rame ters for the Reactive Ion E tch ing of Si are stud ied. By controlling va riab les, we obta in the re la tion between etching rate and RF powe r, etch ing gas pressure, flow of the gas. It is demonstrated tha t the etch ing rate increases continua llyw ith the increased RF power, that the etch ing rate in itia lly increases with the in2 creasing gas pressure but decreases after 25Pa, that the etching rate increases w ith the gas flow at the low flow bu t de2 creases after 40sccm. By compar ing the different etching results, we a lso obtain the optima l technological conditions. A t last, the etching depth and roughness a re measured by the DEKTAK 6M stylus profiler under the op tima l techno2 logica l conditions. The resu lts show tha t the etching rate is faster and the roughness is lower unde r the optimal techno2 logica l cond itions.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29