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Influence of H2O2 on DNA by Raman Spectroscopy(PDF)


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Influence of H2O2 on DNA by Raman Spectroscopy
ZHOU Dianfeng~1KE Weizhong~2HENG Hang~2JI Kang~2
1.Department of Physics,Yancheng Normal College,Yancheng 224002,China;2.Jiangsu Provincial Key Lab for Photoelectric Technology,Analysis and Test Centre,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
ram an spectra DNA H2O2
The Ram an spec tra o f DNA in aqueous so lution treated by 1w t. - %, 2w t. -% and 3w t. - % H2O2 for 48h arem easured. TheRam an spec tralm easurem ents indicate that DNA in aqueous so lution show s both A - type and B- type conforma tion w ith B- type conform ation in them ajor ity. A - type con fo rm ation o fDNA in aqueous so lution is dom inated afte r treatm ent o fH2O2 for 48h. H2O2 leads to decrease in the base stack ing. H2O2 doesn‘ t dam ag e the bases near ly, and only damages the backbone o fDNA slightly. The dam age of DNA is m a inly from HO resu lted from chem ica l reaction instead ofH 2 O2 itse lf.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29