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DC Motor’s Servo Controller Based on WNN PID(PDF)


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DC Motor’s Servo Controller Based on WNN PID
GU Zhou~1LU Shihua~1ZHU Jianzhong~2WNAG Yanwei~3
1.School of Power Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjng 210042,China;2.School of Automatic Control,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 210016,China;3.Jiangsu Institute of Standardization,Nanjing 210029,China
DC m oto r wave le t neura l ne tw ork(WNN) identification adaptiv e PID contro l
A nove l topo logy ne tw ork o fWNN is introduced to identify on line the object o f a certain unknow n m athe- m atical mode,l and obta in the ob jec t s m athem atica lm odel— the Jacob ian inform ation. A m ethod is suggested o f PID param eters co-ad justed on line byWNN and fuzzy ar ithm e tic, and thus rea lize the accura te, quick and rea ltim e track. The sim together self-tun ing using is reported to track the mo to r s position precise ly. The sim ulation and the experim ent results show that the adaptiv e PID control m ethod can be used to track accura tely the position, and ove rcom e the dependence of genera l neural netw ork on initial we ight, and g reatly increase the prec ision o f identify ing the unknown m ode ,l and im prove the control .


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Last Update: 2013-04-29