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Hollow Co9S8 Nanoshells Synthesized by Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis Method(PDF)


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Hollow Co9S8 Nanoshells Synthesized by Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis Method
Wang DengzhiYin PengfeiWang Shengyue
Department of Physics,Southeast University,Nanjing 211189,China
Co9 S8 nanoshe lls ultrason ic spray py ro lys is
Co9 S8 ho llow shells were successfu lly synthes ized on g lass substrates by u ltrasonic spray m e thod from coba lt ch lo ride ( CoC l2· 6H2O) and th iourea ( CS( NH2 ) 2 ) as the starting ma teria ls at 300℃ . The as-prepa red samp les w ere character ized by X-ray powder d iffraction ( XRD ), transm ission electron m icroscope ( TEM ) and scann ing electron m icroscope( SEM ). The results show tha t partic le she lls have sim ilarm orpho logy and the average diam eter is abou t 500 nm. A possible grow th m echanism was proposed.


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Last Update: 2013-06-04