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Dynamic Optimization and Control Strategy of a Heat-Integrated Distillation Column System(PDF)


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Dynamic Optimization and Control Strategy of a Heat-Integrated Distillation Column System
Zhu XuemeiZhang Liang
School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
heat- integ rated distillation system m in imum energy co st dynam ic optim iza tion mu ltivar iable contro l
H eat integ ra tion d istillation sy stem is an effective m ethod o f sav ing ene rgy in the process o f d istilla tion, w ith 50% energy saved. To obta in an ideal energy sav ing effec t, we mustm ake a reasonable operation and contro l o f the two co lumns, o therw ise the no rma l produc tion w ill be a ffected. H owever, the adoption o f such heat integ ration opera tiona lm ethod leads to a severe association betw een the tw o co lum us, and thus a sign ifican t difficulty in operating and contro lling the system. W ith guarantee ing the qua lity of products as its precondition , and w ith them in imum cost of ene rgy as its purpose, th is paper suggests a secondary stragegy o f dynam ic optim ization and contro lwhen the feed o f the heat in teg ra ted distillation system is regarded as a m a in d isturbance. In the seconda ry strategy, the uppe r leve l is the econom ic optim ization w ith m inim um cost of energy as its purpo se, and its optim ized resu lt is the g iven va lue o f the optim ization of the lowe r leve ,l wh ich is the mu ltivar iable contro l to track the optima l reference tra jec to ries ca lculated on the upper level .


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Last Update: 2013-04-29