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Study on the Date Communication Network at the Integrated Automatic System of Transformer Substation(PDF)


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Study on the Date Communication Network at the Integrated Automatic System of Transformer Substation
Xia Chunyan1Ding Xuefeng2
1.The Jiangpu Campus,Nanjing University of Technology,Nanjing 211800,China;2.Institute of Architectural Design and Research,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
transform er substation integ rated autom atiza tion comm un ica tion netwo rk E the rnet
The paper an ly zes three da te comm un ication networks of the RS422 /485 bus-m aster ing ne t, the field bus and Ethernet, po ints ou t Ethernet is the deve lopm ent direction o f the date traffic netw orks at the integrated autom atic system o f transform er substation, and tha t the embedded E the rnet is the new trend o f deve lop ing the communication netw ork in the intergrated automa tic sy stem of transfo rm er substation.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29