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Supply Chain Dynamic Model of Demand and Production Cost Disruptions(PDF)


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Supply Chain Dynamic Model of Demand and Production Cost Disruptions
Ma Jun
School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
supp ly cha in m anagem ent d isruption dem and d isruption production cost disruption
Th is paper ana lyzes that the m arke t dem and is the non- linear function o f m arket price in a supp ly cha in w ith one supplier and one reta iler, and presen ts a dynam ic m ode l of the supply cha in w hen the ma rket dem and and production co st have disruptions a t the sam e tim e. In v iew o f the deg rees of d isruption, the optim a l so lutions correspond ing to the d isruption supp ly chain can be catego rized as four cases. The results obta ined in th is paper show tha t dem and d isruption and production cost disruption w ill lead to the a lteration o f the production p lan, wh ich in turn often causes dev ia tion cost, w hose ex istence is the reason why the o rig ina l p lan has som e robustness. The estab lishm ent o f them ode l prov ides the founda tion o fm aking decisions and bu ilding supp ly chain coordination m echan ism.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29