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Experimental Study on the Phase-change Heat Transfer in Vertically Rectangular Micro-capillary Grooves(PDF)


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Experimental Study on the Phase-change Heat Transfer in Vertically Rectangular Micro-capillary Grooves
Duan Zhen12Zhao Xiaobao2Dong Qing3
1.Nanjing Institute of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Supervisory Inspection,Nanjing 21002,China;2.School of Power Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China;3.Energy Research Institute of Shandong Academy of Sciences,Jinan 250014,China
m icro-cap illary grooves phase- change m ax ima l heat flux th in liqu id layer
Us ing d istilled wa ter and e thano l as the wo rk ing flu id, an exper im enta l investig ation about the phase change heat transfer is performed on a vertical copper p late w ith rectangularm icro-capillary g rooves. Experim ental resu lts show tha t the evapo ra ting heat transfer perfo rm ance of the copper p la tew ith m icro-capillary g rooves w ill enhance w ith the dec rease o f w idth in m icro groove, the increase o f depth in m icro groove and the ra ise of liqu id level in evapo ra tor. The evapo ra ting perform ance in m icro-g rooves keep the copper plate be low 130 and 108 , reaches 5 36 105 W /m2, 3 51 105 W /m2, respec tive ly, when distilled wa ter and ethano l are used as thew ork ing flu id. The heat transfer on the m icro-groov e surface is m uch enhanced com pa red to the poo l nucleate bo iling on a sm ooth surface.


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Last Update: 2013-04-24