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Theoretical Research on Capability of Noise Separator for Conducted EMI Noise(PDF)


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Theoretical Research on Capability of Noise Separator for Conducted EMI Noise
Zhao YangJiang NingqiuSun YanLi ShijinLu Xiaoquan
School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
e lec trom agnetic in terference no ise separato r comm on m ode no ise d ifferentia lm ode no ise insertion loss re jection ratio
The basic requ irem ents o f the conducted e lectrom agnetic inte rference no ise separa tor netwo rk a re put forwa rd, and seve ra lm a jo r k inds o f separa tor netw ork structure based on hardwares are in troduced. An investigation on pe rfo rmance o f three netw orks is done by m eans of sim ulation softw are by PSPICE. First, the bas ic perform ances o f the three netwo rks a re com pa red, furthe rmo re, the capac itive coupling o f transform er is m easured by h igh-frequency LCR, and an investigation on capac itive coupling influence done by PSPICE softw are c ircu it s imu la tion; Fina lly, the in fluence of input im pedance on netwo rk per fo rm ance is discussed


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Last Update: 2013-04-24