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Judgment of Policy-Making for Selection of AGC Units Based on Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process(PDF)


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Judgment of Policy-Making for Selection of AGC Units Based on Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process
Wei TiantianZhao Caihong
School of Electrical and Automatization Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
selection of AGC units tr iangular fuzzy numbers fuzzy AHP
The pow er industry of Ch ina is go ing to establish am arke t- based operationalm echan ism w hich m akes a feature o f separation o f genera tion and transm ission m anagem en t, com petition befo re supplying and open access. In e lec tricity m arket the problem o f pr icing and perform ing managem ent by AGC units is an im portan t prob lem. The fuzzy ana ly tic h ierarchy process based on tr iangu la r fuzzy num be rs is advanced a im ing at the se lection of AGC un its on the m arke tbased powe r industry. It is illustrated that th ism ethod reflec ts the fuzzy inform ation and uncerta inty of dec ision- m aking and enhances the re liability of the se lections v alidated by ex amp les. A new m ethod is proposed here fo r the com prehens ive judgm ent o f AGC un its selection.


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Last Update: 2013-04-24