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Design and Implementation of Marine Delimitation Plan EvaluationSystem Based on AHP-entropy Method(PDF)


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Design and Implementation of Marine Delimitation Plan EvaluationSystem Based on AHP-entropy Method
Xu MinWang JingLai ZhengqingDu WenWang Lu
School of Marine Science and Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China
maritime delimitationevaluation modelanalytic hierarchy process(AHP)entropy methodsoftware system
Maritime delimitation is the act of dividing the territorial sea,exclusive economic zone and continental shelf boundaries between adjacent or facing countries on the coast. As maritime delimitation is affected by many factors,which are considered differently by different countries involved in the maritime boundary delimitation,the maritime delimitation claims they put forward are also different. As a consequence,quantitatively evaluating the various delimitation schemes proposed under different delimitation claims becomes necessary. Based on the AHP-entropy method,the comprehensive evaluation and decision-making model of marine delimitation plans,this research developes a marine demarcation plan evaluation system. This system includes functions such as evaluation index selection,index weight setting,qualitative index assisted scoring,parameters and results visualization. It realizes the quantitative evaluation of the marine delimitation plan by reading the marine delimitation plan parameters from the marine delimitation GIS system. The comprehensive evaluation model and system of the marine delimitation plan can be used for domestic and foreign marine delimitation decisions. Users can select appropriate indicators from the system to evaluate multiple marine delimitation plans according to the characteristics of the sea area,so as to provide a basis for delimitation plan decision-making.


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Last Update: 2021-12-15