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Automated Partition Method of Room in Quantity Survey(PDF)


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Automated Partition Method of Room in Quantity Survey
PEI Yonggang LU Tong SU Feng CAI Shijie
State Key Laboratory of Software Novel Technology, Nanjing University, Jiangsu Nanjing 210093, China
room room contour closed
Room is the un it o f quan tity survey fo r adorn ing ma teria ls. Automa ted partition fo r room s, a fter struc ture and layout inform ation of all com ponents ( co lumn, w al,l beam, slab) and e leva tion have been recognized, is very important to achieve the targ et o f automa tion in calcu lation. M eanw hile, the effic iency and accuracy o f quantity survey w ill be greatly im proved. Accord ing to the cha racte ristics o f room, a h ie rarch icalm e thod for room pa rtition based on closure- borders is presented in th is paper and rea lized in system o f autom ated recogn ition and quantity survey. The proposed m e thod recogn izes room contours on the sam e floor using an outline- tracing procedure, and figures out room bo rders crossing seve ra l floo rs by po lygon operations. Th ism e thod so lves we ll the problem s o f autom ated recogn ition o f room s, greatly reduces the w ork load o f quan tity survey for ado rn ing m a terials, and builds the foundation o f establishing the 3D m ode l o f dig ital bu ild ing and h igh level applica tions such as arch itecture m anag em ent in fo rm ation system.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29