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Control Policy Adopted for CFBB Automatic Start-up(PDF)


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Control Policy Adopted for CFBB Automatic Start-up
WEI Ming~1SHEN Limin~2
1.School of Power Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China;2.Anxi Power Plant,Anxi 362411,China
CFBB start-up control program
Th is article describes the contro l po licy adopted in rea lizing the fu lly-autom atic start- up o f the dom estic 220 t/h CFBB based on its character istics and in com bina tion w ith practice o f the pro ject. The po licy is character ized by the sim plicity of two se ts o f on- spot con tro l appa ra tus, w hich func tion as on- spot man ipu la ting and rem ote DCS sw itching for the contro l of furnace ign ition. A specific dual the Distr ibuted Process Un it ( DPU ) in DCS is used to realize the function of furnace safety system ( FSS) and burner con tro l system ( BCS) dur ing furnace start-up phase and norm a l run. The emphasis is g iven in this a rtic le on the sequence contro l log ic o f fuel o il leakage detec tion, furnace purge, ignition dur ing start-up, sm oke / a ir system. The cond ition and m e thod of coa l feed ing, the vo lum e and sequence o f a ir and coa l for every feeding are a lso elaborated. W ith this con tro l po licy, thewo rk loads o f the ope ra to rs during bo ile rs’ start- up are greatly reduced and the au tom ation of bo iler operation is improved.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29