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Path Planning for Robots Based on Ant Colony Algorithm under Dynamic Environment(PDF)


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Path Planning for Robots Based on Ant Colony Algorithm under Dynamic Environment
XIE Yuanyuan~1ZHU Qingbao~2
1.College of Software Engineering,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China;2.School of Mathematics and Computer Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
robo t path p lann ing dynam ic env ironm ent g loba l path plann ing local planning for obstacle avo idance ant co lony a lgor ithm
Th is paper presents a new approach to robo t path planning under dynam ic env ironm ent. G rid m ethod is used to m ode l the w orkspace. The who le system includes tw o parts: the g lobal path plann ing and the loca l p lann ing for obstacle avo idance. In the g loba l path plann ing, an optim a l route to the goa l is found by ant co lony algor ithm s; in the loca l p lann ing for obstacle avo idance, wh ile fo llow ing the globa l path, several collision- free stra teg ies fo r different situations are used after the env ironment detection and collision pred iction based on rolling w indow s in o rder that the robo t reaches the goa l safe ly. The resu lts o f the sim ulation exper im ent ind icate tha t the proposed m ethod is feas-i b le.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29