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A Clustering Ensemble Based Unsupervised Feature Selection Approach(PDF)


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A Clustering Ensemble Based Unsupervised Feature Selection Approach
Ling XiaohanJi Genlin
School of Mathematics and Computer Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
feature se lection unsuperv ised learn ing ensem ble lea rning
An unsuperv ised fea ture se lection approach is proposed, wh ich utilizes c luste ring to obta in the c lass labe l o f data ob ject and uses ensemb le techn ique to reso lve the instab ility o f cluster ing. As c lustering resu lts generated by som e a lgo rithm s are usually different from each other, feature se lection perfo rm sm ultip ly and all results are com b ined to produce fina l se lected fea tures. In addition, Relie fF is ame liorated, w hich is a superv ised fea ture selection a lgorithm and is em ployed as an essentia l part in the approach. Exper imenta l resu lts show that the approach can rem ove redundan t features and improve the quality of c lustering.


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Last Update: 2013-06-04