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Application of Machine Learning in Adaptive Instructional System(PDF)


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Application of Machine Learning in Adaptive Instructional System
Bai Hongquan1Han Qingnian2
1.School of Educational Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China;2.Department of Communication and Art,Jiangsu Radio and TV University,Nanjing 210036,China
m ach ine learning adap tive instructiona l system Naive Bay es c lassifier
In the adaptive instructiona l system, how to g ive learners adaptiv e learning m ater ia ls is a focus question. There arem any de fic ienciesw ith the current adaptive instructional system’ s automa tica lly adapting student‘ s learn ing sty le and learn ing behav ior. A im ing at this problem o f the adaptive instruc tiona l sy stem, this pape r uses know ledge expression m ethods wh ich fit m ach ine learn ing and design a schem e by using Naiive B ayes C lassifie r to predict lea rner ’ s behav ior, so that these can g et learner’ s prefe rences. The result of exper im ent shows that Naiive Bayes C lass ifier has good accuracy in pred icting learner‘ s behav ior in the adaptive instructiona l system.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29