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Research and Realization of Digital Frequency-Hopping Communication Equipment(PDF)


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Research and Realization of Digital Frequency-Hopping Communication Equipment
Chen Cheng1Cao Xiuying1Shuai Fuqiang2
1.National Mobile Communication Research Laboratory,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China;2.Guodian Nanjing Automation Co.Ltd,Nanjing 210009,China
OMAP G723.1 ARM - DSP inte ractive comm un ication frequence-hope
Th is paper introduces the rea liza tion o f encoding and decod ing of G723. 1 by using OMAP5912, som e processes and princ ip les o f rea lizing d ig ita l frequency-hopping comm un ication equipment through the encoding and decod ing o f channe ls, as we ll as the interac tive commun ica tion o f ARM and DSP. Th is paper a lso introduces the theories o f frequency-hopp ing, o f channel encod ing, and the techn iques o f speech encoding, as w ell as the softw are and hardw are environment o f the TI OMAP em bedded system p la tform, frequency- em itting m odule, and CMOS ch ip o f speech encod ing and decod ing.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29