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An Agent Coordination Framework for Web Services Composition(PDF)


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An Agent Coordination Framework for Web Services Composition
Luo Jiaqi1Wang Yexian2Li Bin1
1.Information Engineering College,Yangzhou University,Yangzhou 225009,China;2.Yandou Area Information Center of Yancheng City,Yancheng 224005,China
W eb service W eb serv ices composition Agent coord ination Agent conversation
Mu lti agent system are suitab le for the in teg ra tion ofW eb se rv ices. Com pared w ithW eb serv ices, Agen t is m ore active and interactive. An agent coord inated fram ework system s o riented onW eb services composition is based on the agent andW eb serv ices com ponen ts. Using the fram ew ork, a serv ice composition system wh ich is open, distr ibuted, dynam ic, independent and intelligent could be constructed. It has aw orkflow of des igning and editingW eb serv ices composition, va lidating serv ices com position workflow, ex ecutingW eb service composition w orkflow, and mon ito ring W eb composition workflow, etc


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Last Update: 2013-04-24