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Research on Algorithms of the Constrained Clustering(PDF)


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Research on Algorithms of the Constrained Clustering
Guo JianjunLiang JingdongNiu Youqi
College of Information Science and Technology,Nanjing Agricultural University,Nanjing 210095,China
c lustering constra ined c luste ring g loba l constra in ts instance constra ints
Constra ined C luster ing is one of the hotspots in c lustering researches. The m ethods o f im porting background inform ation to constra in cluster ing is d iscussed. The concept o f constra ined c lustering, c lassify the constra ined cond itions into globa l constraints, instance constrain ts and others constra ints acco rding to the application o f constraints are presented. Then the a lgo rithm s under different constrained cond itions are summ arized. Fina lly, the bene fits and problem s from constra ints are discussed.


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Last Update: 2013-04-24