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Improved Scheme of Watermarking Based on Singular-Value Decomposition(PDF)


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Improved Scheme of Watermarking Based on Singular-Value Decomposition
Zhang SuishengYuan Zhengdao
Department of Physics,Zhengzhou Teachers College,Zhengzhou 450044,China
wa term ark stationary w ave let transform s ingu lar v alue decom pos ition Turbo cod ing hum an v ision system
An im proved schem e o f singular-value decomposition algor ithm is presented. Comb ined w ith human v ision system ( HVS), the uppe r boundary o f embedded strength in b lind w aterm arking a lgor ithm is g iven, and the boundary o f anti-attack ab ility in different wa term ark ing streng th is determ ined. H igh streng th wa term ark is embedded in by using singu la r-va lue decomposition, w hile ensur ing the im age qua lity. At last use the high error-co rrecting pe rfo rm ance o fTur bo code to anti-a ttack and ex tract wa term ark. Exper imenta l resu lt show s that the schem e is robust w ith the trad itiona l a t tacks inc lude JPEG com pression, cropp ing, mean filter, random no ise and pepper-and-sa lt-no ise.


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Last Update: 2013-04-24