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Research of Data Packet Extraction and Transfer Mechanism Based on ARM Processor(PDF)


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Research of Data Packet Extraction and Transfer Mechanism Based on ARM Processor
Zhang GongxuanWang PingliHe GuangshengZhang Chong
School of Computer,Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing 210094,China
data packet hook func tion transfe r secure processing
A data packe t ex traction and transferm echanism based on ARM processor is proposed, who sem a in tasks are processed by an im proved data packet ex traction and transfe rm ode l ENSS m odule, an independent from W indow s system, and h igh secu re system p latform ( ca lled ENSS system ca rd). The da ta packet is hooked from the data link layer into netw ork laye r through aN IC and processed by the ARM secure process, and then transferred aw ay through ano ther N IC. W ith the test, ENSS sy stem card has better per fo rm ance and can prov ide a higher stable communication platform for the netw ork secure processing.


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Last Update: 2013-04-24