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Research and Application of Multi-Sampling Rate of Ultrasonic Digital Signal Processing(PDF)


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Research and Application of Multi-Sampling Rate of Ultrasonic Digital Signal Processing
Sun Zhilin1Bao Yaping1Shi Zhengying2Mei Jinsong3
1.College of Information Science and Engineering,Nanjing University of Technology,Nanjing 210009,China;2.Nanjing Tycho Information Technology Co.,Ltd.,Nanjing 210019,China;3.College of Automation Engineering,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronaut
mu lt-i sam pling rate u ltrason ic testing extraction interpo la tion
In the piezoe lectric ity u ltrasonic on- line testing fo r ra ilw ay wheels ( inc luded wheels of locom otive, veh ic le, mu ltip le un it tra ins, etc. ), the amount o f acquired ultrason ic da ta can be very large, and the tim e o f transm it and process can be long, because of the large number of whee ls and the high hardw are sam ple rate for on- line testing. So in o rder to prom ote the effic iency, it is necessa ry to change the sam ple rate for u ltrasonic signa l to shift the am ount of or ig-i nal data. In th is pape r, the features o f u ltrasonic data arem entioned, the d ig ita l signa l ar ithme tic of ex traction and interpolation are researched and the samp le rate change is imp lemented on the CPLD, the data redundancy are dec lined and the system process effic iency a re enhanced, and the applications show that the proposed m ethod has h igher va lidity and re liability.


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Last Update: 2013-04-24