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Applications and Prospects of Distributed Power Systems in China(PDF)


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Applications and Prospects of Distributed Power Systems in China
Li Fayang
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,Polytechnic Institute of New York University,Brooklyn,New York 11201,USA
d istr ibuted powe r system CHP energy consump tion powe r g rid renew able energy
To tal consumption o f pr im ary energy, the propo rtion o f coa l in pr ima ry energy resources, em ission of SO2, annua l pe r capita energy consum ption o f househo lds, generating un it capacity, and e lasticity ratio o f energy consumption and pow er gene ration over the past three decades a re illustra ted. Pr incipa l incentives fo r rapid deve lopm en t o f d istributed pow er systems are summ ar ized thereafte r. C lassification, application cases and character istics o f distr ibuted pow er system s are introduced w ith ma jo r problem s and reso lv ing routes po in ted out. To tal consump tion of prim ary energy as we ll as potentia lity o f distributed pow er sy stem s till 2020 is pred ic ted fo r ove rseas en terpr ises to open up them arke t in Ch ina.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23