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Structure Development and Its Prospect of Fluidized Bed Dryer(PDF)


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Structure Development and Its Prospect of Fluidized Bed Dryer
Liu WeiLi FengYang SongxiangWang Shoufang
School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
fluidized bed dry er structurem odification deve lopm ent prospect
A im ing at fluidized bed dryer, one of thew idely applied industry equ ipm ents, the operationalm echanism and produc tion characters w ere e luc idated in br ie .f And then, the la test developments o f the cra ft and structure mod ification and the struc ture optim ization about the equipment pa rts were summ ar ized, in wh ich the research ach ievem ents concerning the new ly eme rg ing inert-pa rtic le fluidized bed dryer and its nove l g as distributors w ere empha tica lly introduced. Based on it, them a in bo ttlenecks and deficienc ies ex isting in the current wo rksw ere analyzed and po inted out to he lp the further sim ilar researches. M oreover, the clear d irec tion o f further deve lopm ent w as a lso pu t fo rw ard prelim ina rily a fter much investiga tion.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23