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A New Modified Poly-Dimethy lsiloxane and Its Applicationin Gas Chromatography(PDF)


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A New Modified Poly-Dimethy lsiloxane and Its Applicationin Gas Chromatography
WANG Dongxin 1 ZHOU Ninglin 1  2
1. School of Chem is try and En vironm ental Science, N an jing Norm alUn iversity, J iangsu N an jing 210097, C hina;
2. Jiangsu Research Cen ter of B io-m ed ical Fun ct ion alM aterialEng ineering, Jiangsu Nan jing 210097, Ch ina
v iny l-ace tic ester hydrox y-term inated po ly-d im ethy lsilox ane cap illary column for g as chroma tog raphy
PDMS- VAc is obta ined from the reac tion be tw een VA c and hydroxy-term ina ted po ly-d im ethy lsilox ane ( or OH-term inated PDMS). It is used as stationary phase tom ake cap illary co lumn for gas chrom atography by using so lg elm e thod. The co lum n has a strong sepa rative pow er, and can no t on ly effic iently separa te a lky l com pounds and aro m atic com pounds, but also satisfacto rily separate such com pounds as hydroxybenzenes and am ines wh ich are d ifficu lt to separate. W hat is mo re, the co lumn can separate var ious o rganic com pounds quite w e l.l The testing resu lts show that the column has a good inertia fo r var ious o rganic com pounds and espec ia lly po lar com pounds. The testing resu lt of unsymm etr ic gene ( A) is 1. This co lum n a lso show s good co lumn efficiency, satisfacto ry stab ility and fine symm e- try of the peaks. The testing resu lt of the sum o fM cReynold s’ constants is 464, w hich shows that the po la rity o f the new sta tionary phase is stronger than that of PDMS, reaches the m iddling po larity.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29