1.Department of Science and Technology, Nanjing Normal University, Jiangsu Nanjing 210097, China; 2.School of Electrical and Automation Engineering, Nanjing Normal University, Jiangsu Nanjing 210042, China
Th is paper presents the app lication of the techno logy o f CAN bus in the distr ibuted fire a larm contro l sys-tem used in the co llege labo ra tory. The system uses a sing le ch ip m icrocom puter AT89C51, a CAN contro ller and a transceiver as a client. A con tro lled LAN consists of severa l intellig ent fire alarm s by CAN bus. F ire a larm s integ rate w ith autom a tic a la rm and inte lligent alarm. MCS and PC bu ild respec tive ly w ith GPRS the communication betw een upper com puters and down compu ters and the te lecommunications. The fire alarm system based on theCAN bus over-com es the disadvantage of the active and subordinate communication, in wh ich all the in fo rm ation shou ld be changed via the host. It has many advan tages, such as, h igh reliability and rea l tim e in comm un ication.
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