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The Dynamics Analysis of Resources And Environment’s Effect on Human Activities(PDF)


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The Dynamics Analysis of Resources And Environment’s Effect on Human Activities
WANG WenjiLU YuqiHU Zifu
School of Geographical Science, Nanjing Normal University, Jiangsu Nanjing 210097, China
hum an activ ities susta inable deve lopm ent nonlinear model
Population, resources and env ironm ent a re the three ser ious problem s all over the wo rld. Popu la tion is no t on ly the princ ipal part o f the so ciety, bu t a lso the im po rtant precond ition o f the susta inab le deve lopm ent o f the human be ing s. The long-term and susta inab le utilization of the resources and the ra tiona l pro tection o f the env ironm ent are important qualifications of the sustainable deve lopm ent. Bu t in the epoch when the econom y is rap idly deve lop ing in the 21st century, the conflict among the popu lation, resources and env ironm ent is getting m ore and m o re se rious. Starting w ith the question of resources and env ironm ent resulted from the hum an activ ities, th is artic le sim ply ana lyzes the interre lation o f dependence and restriction o f population, resources, and env ironm ent, ra ises a log icalm ode l by using non linea r theo ry which is the effect o f resources and env ironm ent on hum an activ ities, expounds the im po rtance o f resources and env ironm ent on hum an activ ities and the susta inab le hum an, and accord ingly puts fo rw ard the strateg ies and suggestions of the susta inab le development o f hum an, resou rces and env ironm ent in our country.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29