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Study on Immune Control Algorithm and Application(PDF)


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Study on Immune Control Algorithm and Application
SU Jianyuan
College of Electric Engineering,Hohai University,Jiangsu Nanjing 210024,China
immune contro l system feedback an tigen an tibody affin ity c lone
B io log ica l immune system. s learn ing and m em ory and se l-f adapting and robustness o ffer m odern contro l theo ry and eng ineer new research approach. B io log ica l immune system. s co rrespond ing m echanism s are in troduced. S im ilarities o f b io log ica l imm une system and artific ia l immune system and contro l system are illum inated. Imm une m ode ls and a lgor ithm s and imm une contro l. s new resea rches and app lications are summ ar ized. A further study is po inted out in immune contro l fie ld from theoretica l ana ly sis and a lgo rithm research and fusion resea rch and applied research. So are the research directions about artificial imm une system to apply to aspect o f adaptive contro ,l inte ll-i g ent contro,l feedback con tro ,l sequential con tro ,l robo t behav ior contro,l and au to-adapted d isturbance neutra lizing agent. The resu lts indicate that the imm une contro l has ex trem e ly broad pro spect o f app lication and it is a cha lleng ing research top ic.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29