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Design of an Equipment of Constant Pressure Water Supplying System Based on Actual Appliance(PDF)


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Design of an Equipment of Constant Pressure Water Supplying System Based on Actual Appliance
JU RongJU Yong
School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
constant pressurew ater supp ly PID PLC
The advanced wa ter supp ly ing sy stem based on frequency converte rs, senso r and PLC is used now adays. The expe rim en tal sy stem o f constant pressurew ate r supply in wh ich the technolog ies o f va riab le frequency speed regulation, PLC, senso r and e lec trica l contro l are integ rated, has played an active ro le in im prov ing the student’ s ab ility of com prehensive application o f know ledge and in the ir mastery o f advanced specia l technology. Th is paper presents the structure, functions, th ink ing of design and rea lization o f this expe rim en tal system, d iscusses in deta il param e ters of PID and subprogram design of PLC. In this system configuration rem o tem on itor ing is used to re flect the rea lity o f its ope ration. Functions such as rea-l tim e and history data d isplay, fau lt a larm pro cessing are designed. Oneness o f traditiona l exper im ent system is overcom e. Mu lt-i competence exper im ents carried out w ith this system is universa l and pratica.l


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Last Update: 2013-04-29