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Examples Application of Magneto-Sensitive Z-Elements(PDF)


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Examples Application of Magneto-Sensitive Z-Elements
Sun Jian
School of Electric and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
m agnetism senso r displacem ent sensor touch senso r Z-e lem ent
The m agnetosensor w ith Z- elem ent, whose ou tput signal is e ither simu la ted signa l or dig ita l signa,l can be easily integrated in sm a ll size and a simp le structure w ith a perform ance o f ant-i ch irp. The disp lacem ent sensor can transform the change in quantity of m otion into the period ic change of m agnetic field by using the re la tivem otion between the Z- elem ent fix ed on the m agnet and the plate g ea r. The changeab le cyc lical m agne tic field signa l can be transform ed into the vo ltage pulse signa ,l and the quantity o f pulses and the quantity of d isp lacem ents a re propo rtiona. l The touch senso r can transfo rm the force into the distance between the Z-e lement and them agne t th rough the e lastic p iston insta llation, w ith the distance and the streng th ofm agne tic field be ing in reverse propo rtion, w hile them agnetic field and the output vo ltage of Z-e lem ent being propo rtiona,l so the changes o f the force on the touch sensor can be transfo rm ed into the changes of vo ltage. The ho rse s’ hoofm agne tic po le and the turntable a re fix ed. When the tu rntable is rotating, them agnetic po le can rotate around the Z-e lem en t, m ak ing the vo ltage output of Z- elem ent a pu lse signal.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29