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Experimental Analysis on Ducted Air-Conditioning (Heat Pump) Units at Refrigerating Operation(PDF)


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Experimental Analysis on Ducted Air-Conditioning (Heat Pump) Units at Refrigerating Operation
Huang Hu1Li Qihe1Yuan Dongxue1Qin Zhenchun1Zhang Zhongbin1Zhang Jianzhong2
1.School of Power Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China;2.Nanjing Architectural Design and Research Institute Co.LTD,Nanjing 210005,China
air-condition ing heat pum p exper im enta l ana ly sis
From the overa ll test o f Ducted A ir- condition ing ( H eat Pump) Un its under nom ina l re frigeration condition and d irec tiona l ana lys is on test data, the v ariation ru les is comprehensive lym astered about the pressure and temperature o f un its at nom inal refrig era ting opera tion, espec ially about the influence of the pressu re and tem pera ture on un it refr igerating capac ity and EER. M ethods to improve un it performance and prom ote its operating efficiency furtherw ere introduced.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29