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High Precision Real Time Measuring System of Power Torque Angle(PDF)


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High Precision Real Time Measuring System of Power Torque Angle
Zhao Xinhong1Xia Chunyan2Sun Mingyu1Yuan Hong3
1.School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normol University,Nanjing 210042,China;2.The New Campus,Nanjing University of Technology,Nanjing 211800,China;3.Guodiannanjing Automation Co.Ltd.Nanjing 210003,China
GPS pow er torque ang le distributed phaso rm easuring sy stem
Rea l timem easuring o f pow er phase ang lew ith high precision is a key technique for themonitor ing and contro lling system o f dynam ic safety and stab ilization o f electr ic power system s. T raditional m easur ing m ethod o f pow er phase ang le o f a genera to r can. tm eet the real tim e requ irem ents, there fo re a new m ethod utilizing the ro tating speed o f the generator based on GPS has been proposed. The princ ip le and rea lization m ode of the distributed m easur ing un it is descr ibed. Exper im enta l result proved tha t synchronization betw een each vector can be rea lized by this method and the synchron ization of real measured phase ang le is assured. Them ethod has theo retical and practical va lue。


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Last Update: 2013-06-04