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Application of Power Electronics Technology in the Renewable Energy Generation Systems(PDF)


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Application of Power Electronics Technology in the Renewable Energy Generation Systems
Xu Jianzhong1Feng Zunan1Wang Enrong2
1.Nanjing College of Chemical Technology,Nanjing 210048,China;2.School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
renew ab le energy pho tovo lta ic generation w ind g eneration fue l ce ll hybr id renewable energy pow er electronics techno logy
The renew ab le energy gene ra tion techno logy is developing rapid ly, and as the key techno logy o f it, power electronics techno logy d irectly im pac ts its developm ent. In this pape r, solar pho tovo lta ic generation, w ind gene ra tion, fuel ce ll generation and hybrid renew ab le ene rgy generation system s have been rev iew ed briefly. The inverter and g rid-connected contro l techno logy, so la r ene rgy charg er controlle r, va riab le speed constant frequency w ind pow er gen era tion system, fuel ce ll powe r cond itioner system and harm onic suppress ion techno logy are stud ied, and the app lica tions and deve lopm ent trends o f pow er electronics techno logy in the renew ab le energy generation system s are re v iew ed, wh ich prov ide a research aspect fo r pow er e lectron ics techno logy.


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Last Update: 2013-06-04