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Research of the Stereoscopic D isplay and 3D LCD Technique(PDF)


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Research of the Stereoscopic D isplay and 3D LCD Technique
FengM aoyan
Departm en t of Inform at ion Engineering, J inagsuM aritim e Institute, Nan j ing 210070, Ch in a
stereoscopic d isplay ho log raph ic technique true 3-D d isp lay 3D LCD
A s a brand-new displaym ode,l true 3D stereoscopic d isp lay w ill becom e ma in deve lopm ental direction o f fu ture display techn ique. Im ag es are generated w ith in a reg ion of 3D space, and the durance o f plane d isp lay is broken. T rue 3D stereo scop ic im ages have character istics of direct-v iew ing, reality and larg e capacity inform a tion. The princ iple o f true 3D stereo scop ic d isp lay techno logy are stated in the paper. Ana ly sis and com parison o f curren tm a in auto-stereo scop ic d isp lay techno log ies a re g iven, and the ir advantages, disadvantages, developm ent trend and futu re deve lopm en t ob ject are po inted out. Fina lly, the paperm akes an emphatic research on 3D LCD display techno logy im ag ing pr inc iple cur rent deve lopm ent and its app lication prospect.


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Last Update: 2013-07-22