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A Novel Bi-direction AC Power Source With Regulated Output Voltage(PDF)


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A Novel Bi-direction AC Power Source With Regulated Output Voltage
Sun PindongGu XuefengChen XueliGuo Yiqian
School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
converter AC source pu lse-w idth modu la tion vo ltage regulator
W ith extensional applica tion o f Boost o r Buck e lec tric c ircuit converted by DC converters on AC converted, a novel regu lated AC source has been proposed. Com pa red to the trad itiona l transfo rm, the new AC pow er source can ach ieve sm alle r size, h igher e fficien t and continuously var iable outpu t vo ltage in pow er conve rsion, and the output of vo l-t age is not affected by load when the feedback contro l loop is used in the AC source. H av ing analyzed the princ ip le o f communication and contro l stra tegy of the AC source in de tai,l at the end of the pape rwe have presented the results of a computer simu lation and m ode l test. The results prove that theory and deduction are co rrect.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23