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Application of Fast Weight-check Sensor in Accumulator Electrode Pads Weight Checking and Sorting System(PDF)


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Application of Fast Weight-check Sensor in Accumulator Electrode Pads Weight Checking and Sorting System
Xu LiangLi ChaoChen Ling
School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
senso r pads w e ight-check so rting
In the production o f accumu la tors used in e lectromo tion bicycles, pads a re needed to be sorted by w eight. A im ed at this wo rk procedure, th is paper g ives am ethod of fast we ight- check and so rting fo r pads. Th is auto fastw e ightcheck and sorting m e thod fo r pads makes use o f non- rig idity- im pac t in term ittent m otion structure, fast dig ita l sensor, PLC, and pneum a tic ma teria l sending system to rea lize the fast w e ight-check and sorting for pads . The pr im ary pa rts d iscussed here are the inte lligent fast d ig ita lw eight- check sensor, its wo rk pr incip le, param ete rs setting, choo sing o f fi-l tering m ode, spring mode of data-co llecting, and the ca lculation and setting of the concussion time. The sensor avo ids e ffectively the actual we ight signal flooded by m echanical v ibrations caused by sorting m otion, and the inter ference from environm ent. The last part o f this paper discussed the communication m ode betw een the senso r and the upper contro ller ( PLC), the comm and m ode and data exchange mode of PLC w ith the senso r, and the debugg ing o f the system.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23