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Path Planning for Mobile Robot Based on Binary Particle Swarm Optimization(PDF)


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Path Planning for Mobile Robot Based on Binary Particle Swarm Optimization
Wang YanZhu Qingbao
School of Computer Sciences,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
mob ile robot pa th planning binary partic le sw arm optim ization gr id m e thod
A t present, the study o f the robot path plann ing w ith Partic le Swa rm Optim ization ( PSO) is still con fined to use the continuous m ode l to p lan the path w ith continuous m ethod, so the a lgo rithm has ce rtain lim ita tions. Then a d isc rete b inary version of the PSO for path p lann ing of robot based on gr id m e thod is proposed. The first step of the algorithm is to m ake thew ork env ironm ent o f robot w ith g rid m ethod, based on wh ich robo t route is expressed as b ina ry code o f the partic le location, and the length o f the pa th is taken as the fitness va lue, and after the in itia l popu lation is generated, the location and veloc ity o f partic les are updated. Then the d iscrete binary version of the PSO is introduced to obta inde a optim ized path be tw een starting-po int and goa-l po int through m any iterations. This a lgor ithm is simp le in m ode,l low in a lgo rithm com plex ity, and rapid in convergence. The sim ulation results are prov ided to ver ify effectiveness and practicability o f them ethod.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23