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Investigation on Speech Emotion Analyses and Its Application in Education Based on MFCC and CHMM Techniques(PDF)


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Investigation on Speech Emotion Analyses and Its Application in Education Based on MFCC and CHMM Techniques
Zhang Yonggao1Ma Qingyu2Sun Qing1
1.School of Educational Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China;2.School of Physics and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
MFCC CHMM speech emo tion recognition
A s a new research ho tspo t, speech emo tion recogn ition attractsm ore and atten tions from researchers fo r its solu tion o f the em otion lo ss in d istance education. Based on the perception o f the hum an auditory system, theM e l Frequency C epstral Coe fficients (M FCC) and the ContinuousH iddenM arkovM ode l ( CHMM ) techn iques are used in this paper fo r speech charac teristic ana lyses and em otion identifica tion. The recogn ition accuracy o f 871 6% is ach ieved in the expe rim ent for large num bers of speech s igna ls and the potentia l application for em otion com pensation is prov ided in education.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23