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Energy-saving Refrigeration and Dehumidification Unit on Radiant Cooling and its Energy-Consumption Analysis(PDF)


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Energy-saving Refrigeration and Dehumidification Unit on Radiant Cooling and its Energy-Consumption Analysis
Niu BaolianSong QianqianXia XueyingWu Wei
School of Power Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
radian t coo ling duhum id ify ing un it energy consum ption analysis
In order to save ene rgy o f heating and dehum idify ing unit in radiant cooling sy stem, it is proposed tha t the comb ined use of two-stage hea t pum p and dehum idify ing unit. Low- temperature- stage hea t pum p is used to supply coo-l ing load of rad iant cooling system, and h igh-temperature-stage hea t pum p is designed in three shapes. One is low load system that is only to dehum id ify w hen the room is need to, the o ther tw o are not on ly dehum idify ing but also are comb ined w ith heat sto rage water tank or so lar energy. And the energy consumption ana lys is is done on the new system style o f liquid dehum idify ing, so lid dehunidify ing, and coo ling de fum id ify ing, in contrast to liqu id dehum id ify ing+ w ater ch i-l ler, and so lid de fum id ify ing+ w ater chiller. The results show that liqu id and so lid dehum id ify ing arem o re energy- saving, and the th ree new system + liqu id dehum id ify ing is the m ost energy-sav ing and the energy consum ption is reduced by 48% w hen com pared w ith coo ling dehum idify ing.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23